Tuesday, November 9, 2010


A news article fom the 1880s:
The Cincinatti Commercial of the 5th inst. states that a most disastrous fight took place in the bar-room of the Farmers' Hotel, in Covington, on Tuesday night last. Mr. Hiram Kleat, a respectable citizen of Kenton County, while under the influence of liquor indulged in some abusive epithets against foreigners, several of whom were sitting in the bar-room at the time. One man named Cummings, who is a contractor on the Covington and Lexington Railroad, replied sharply, and was himself replied to in turn, by several who were present. The conversation at length became became general and violent and a young brother of Cummings, in the height of passion, struck a man named Wilson. This was the signal for a general fight, chairs, tables, pistols and bowie knives were at once brought into requisition.
Mr. Jackson, the proprietor of the house, did all in his power to stay the affray, but without success. The combatants, consisting of about a dozen men, drunk with liquor and passion, dealt blows promiscuously, and were deaf alike to reason and consequences. Wilson was shot in the thigh, and is severely wounded. Another man named Waddle, was cut in the abdomen with a bowie knife, and is doubtless mortally wounded. His bowels came out and presented a most horrible spectacle. There is no chance of his recovery. Another man, named Bowen was stabbed in the left side, also with a bowie knife. The wound is very deep and in a most fatal part. At our last advices the physicians thought he could survive but a few hours longer. This is the most distressing affair, distressing to all parties concerned, and we hope will be properly investigated. Edward Cummings and a man named Wood have been arrested and committed. All the rest we hope will soon be apprehended.
I find crime articles from the 19th century so much more interesting than those of the present day. No use of the term "alleged," for example, and moral opprobrium abounds. Why can't the New York Times ever serve up prose like this: ". . . a dozen men, drunk with liquor and passion, dealt blows promiscuously, and were deaf alike to reason and consequences."

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