Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day Special: Governor With a Bowie Knife

What is up with that knife?! It looks like some giant custom folder.
Here are some snips from the news article:
Schwarzenegger posts knife-wielding tweet
July 21, 2009
STUDIO CITY, Calif. (KABC) -- Moments after announcing a budget deal and billions of dollars in program cuts, Governor Schwarzenegger sent out a knife-wielding tweet. The message left some Californians wondering what exactly the governor's message meant.

The 27-second video message was posted on Governor Arnold Schwarzeneger's Twitter page. In the video, the governor joked about autographing state cars slated for the auction block as a way to raise more money for cash-strapped California.

[ . . . ]

In response to Schwarzenegger's Twitter video, a spokesperson for the governor's office said, "I don't know why he is holding a knife. The message is in what he is saying, not what he is holding in his hand.
Video here.

Personally, I found the story endearing. If someone where to start videotaping me at my desk, I too might have to put away a bowie knife I happened to be fondling before getting down to business. Or, perhaps Schwarzenegger was pondering the antics of state legislators in 1850s California, who were known to pull bowie knives on each other during debate. Or perhaps he was reminiscing about those happy days when he was free to silence his opponents however he thought necessary. . .
By the way, Schwarzenegger also keeps his Conan sword in his office.

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