Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bowie-Armed Burglar in New York City

This story about a New York City burglar armed with a bowie knife was published in the New York Times, August 7, 1860:
Police Reports.
On the night of the 28th of February last, the dwelling house and liquor-shop of Frank Hughes, No. 103 Cherry street, was burglariously entered by means of false keys, and robbed of  $350 in bank bills and gold coin. The burglar, who is alleged to be Pat Conway, was seen in the act of breaking into the premises by a woman named Mary Johnson, but before she could sound the alarm and get help, Conway had escaped with the treasure. Search was made for the fellow, but he was not seen again till the 30th ult., when James Donovan, of No. 33 Cherry street, met Conway. They had a few words together concerning the burglary, whereupon Conway drew a bowie knife of immense size, with which he struck Donovan across the arm, inflicting a very severe wound. The assailant then escaped, and kept out of the way till Sunday night, when he was arrested by Officer Creighton of the Fourth Ward. The moment he was seized, Conway showed fight, and struck at the officer with the same bowie knife with which he attempted the life of Donovan, but fortunately without doing any damage. He was secured after a severe struggle, and subsequently taken before the magistrate at the Tombs, and committed for a hearing on two charges of assault and battery, and likewise for burglary.

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