Friday, February 18, 2011

Three Bowie Knife Crimes

Three random bowie-knife crimes of no particular significance.

From the Freeman and Messenger, May 7, 1840:
The Natchez Courier of the 14th says: - A brutal and horrid affray is said to have taken place a few miles above Vicksburg, on the Louisiana, side of the river some day last week, between two citizens of Hinds county, who had formerly been partners in trade, Messrs. William B. Wade and J. H. Robinson. They fought with Bowie knives, and, it is said, frequently rested, during the sanguinary conflict, to gain strength and breath for a more savage and brutal onslaught. The spirit or demon of Cain, the first murderer, must have gibbered over the horrid scene. Wade was stabbed to the heart and died instantly, while Robinson, it is said, must die soon, if he is not already gone to his last account.
From the Defiance Democrat, August 7, 1845:
Dreadful Fight With Bowie Knives.
A correspondent of the Herald at Mobile, states, that a young man named John Bigley, of New York, and Leonard Wilson, of Richmond, Va., fought with bowie knives on the 25th inst. near that city, and after slashing at one another for about half an hour, in which Wilson was cut piecemeal, his second interfered, and it was ended. He further states that Wilson died of his wounds, and that Bigley is on his way to New York.
From the Olean Democrat, December 9, 1892:
Fought a Duel on Horseback.
NAVASOTA, Tex., Dec. 9.--A duel on horseback occurred near Mclntyre's gin, in this county, between two negroes, Robert Warfield and Lige Allen. They fought with bowie knives and both were badly carved and will probably die.

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