Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bowie Knife Murder on a Steamboat

The following appeared in the Janesville Gazette on July 25, 1867:
The La Crosse Republican of Friday reports the following: In yesterday's Republican we had an item about the death of Myron Hill at Clinton, but learn to-day that the difficulty was, on board the steamer Muscatine, of the northern line, while at Rock Island. About one o'clock in the night of Wednesday, the 17th inst., Myron Hill was attacked by Marvin and Hardy, and during a personal encounter between Hill and Marvin, Ed. Hardy struck a fatal blow at Hill's back with a bowie knife, of about eight or nine inches of a blade.The police officer came on board, and tried to arrest Hardy, who drew the knife upon the officer. The officer, after due notice shot and killed Hardy. Marvin is in Rock Island jail. This affair occurred in the cabin of the Muscatine, where crowds of passengers were disturbed by the brutal scene.

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