Sunday, August 21, 2011

Affray at Talbotton

From the Brooklyn Eagle, January 28, 1846:
AFFRAY AT TALBOTTON - We learn, says the Charleston Evening News of the 23d inst, by an extract of a letter received in this city from Talbotton, Georgia, that an affray occurred in that place on Thursday last, between two young men of the names of Chambers and Ceily, in the course of which Ceily cut Chambers nearly in two with a bowie knife. Chambers lived about a minute. Ceily was immediately arrested and imprisoned. A strong guard was placed around the gaol in consequence of an apprehension that an attempt would be made by Ceily's friends to rescue him. Ceily was confined last summer for ninety days in consequence of having made an attempt on the life of his uncle with a bowie knife.

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